04 września 2008

In a world where...

Don LaFontaine, 1940-2008

13 sierpnia 2008

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. Jakieś 1800 km dróg krajowych, krytych zazwyczaj asfaltem, czasem surogatem, zaś w przypadku czterech najwybitniejszych kilometrów najprawdziwszymi kocimi łbami, przez co należy rozumieć urywek oryginalnej, czteropasmowej, brukowanej autostrady Berlinki (autostrady oczywiście wg standardów sprzed II wojny, które odstawały od dzisiejszych w temacie przyczepności nawierzchni, rekompensując tę cechę ponadprzeciętną trwałością). Tysiące zapowiedzianych znakami fotobudek z radarem (rzadziej) lub bez (częściej) oraz jeden niezapowiedziany fotoradar przenośny. Prawy profil mam ponoć lepszy, zobaczymy. Oraz dwa radiowozy. Wakacje.

01 lipca 2008

Świat jest mały i gęsto scrosslinkowany

Dostałem maila
Hello: I am sending this message from [---], Ontario, Canada and I am trying to locate a Mr. Tomasz (Tomek) Zielinski - with a wife by the name of Magda.

I met Tomek Zielinski when I was in Poland in 1993 visiting with my aunt, Jadwiga [---] and I have not heard from her for several months, which is unusual and none of the letter I have sent have been returned.

I would like to know if he would know if she is ill or perhaps even passed away.

If you can give me any idea of how I could contact Tomasz Zielinski, I would be very grateful.
I'm affraid I'm not the person you are looking for, but anyway search may be difficult - there are more than 85000 people with Zielinski family name in Poland.

It would be good if you be more precise - where your aunt lives, where you met Tomek and so on. I'm afraid there are hundreds of marriages between Magda and Tomek Zielinski.
Hello, and thank you for your response to my message. I knew it would be a difficult task trying to find the Tomek Zielinski I am looking for - all I remember is that he lived on [---] Street, his wife was Magda, they had [---] and my aunt lived on ul [---]. Also, he was an engineer - perhaps about 24 years old in 1993.

His mother and my aunt were friends, and he did us the courtesy of being our tour guide and translator, as my Polish was very poor.

I am presuming he still lives in Wroclaw, but I may be incorrect in this presumption.

Again, thank you for your response and I will keep on trying to find more information ....
Try here:

I entered Tomek's name and street to google and it found a [---] service on [---] street, just a blind guess :-)

One correction, which also can help you: your aunt's street name is [---]
Well, thank you so very much for your time and effort in helping me - is it not amazing - modern technology and the computer! I will try the connection you sent to me and what happens.

Because I have an English keyboard, I cannot do all of the proper accents, etc. and thank you for giving me the correct spelling of the street my Aunt resided on.

I am very grateful for all the help I have received from those I have messaged in Poland. I wish my Polish was good enough so that I could telephone the number I have for my aunt, and I did get a telephone number for a Tomek Zielinski through the information operator, but I cannot speak Polish well enough anymore to have a conversation.


However, I am hoping to find this fellow one way or another, so I appreciate any help you are giving me.
Well, I have good news for you. I called this number and it's in fact phone of people you are looking for (I've speak with Magda).

Tomek's email is [---], I also gave them your email.

It's a small world, isn't it? :-)
Wow! Isn't this amazing - yes, it is a small world, and it is amazing what a little effort on the computer and determinate will get you ... I cannot believe this. [...]

Fajnie, co? Świat jest mały. I bardzo gęsto scrosslinkowany.

19 czerwca 2008

Agora żałuje jednego dolara na kupno zdjęcia

Reklama, która przed chwilą wyświetliła mi się w gg. Poniżej zbliżenie drugiego kadru, który zawiera znak wodny serwisu www.istockphoto.com - takie zdjęcie kosztuje tam jednego dolara.

07 czerwca 2008

Picasa Independent Album Exporter

Jest tak - używacie Windows, katalogujecie zdjęcia Picasą, robicie albumy i pokazujecie je albo wrzucacie do sieci. A kiedyś chcecie skopiować album z fotkami w pracowicie ustawianej kolejności na pendrive albo innego FTP i okazuje się, że się nie da.

Od teraz się da, co zajęło jakieś półtora wieczora. Przyjemnego używania

Do pobrania tu: http://sourceforge.net/projects/piae/
Licencja: public domain

09 maja 2008


We wrocławskim ZOO otworzono motylarnię - ciepłe i bardzo wilgotne pomieszczenie, gdzie można sobie wejść i patrzeć, jak jak się wykluwają i jak sobie wokoło latają motyle z dalekich stron. Ponieważ jednak uchycenie motyla w locie jest trudne, prezentuję fotki motylków na kwiatkach.